Courage for Stage Presence

How to Develop Stage Presence (or any kind of Presence) in 20 minutes a day

Last week, we talked about practicing presence. Here is a little more on that. When we talk about performance we talk about “stage presence.”  What is it that makes one dancer mesmerizing, even when they are a beginner or don’t do very much, and another, of equal or better technical skill, kind of… meh? Is […]


How to dip your pinkie toe…

We’re all spinning a lot of plates right now. It takes all our energy just to keep our lives, our loved ones’ lives, together. Like the Red Queen, we have to run as fast as we can just to stay in the same place. Pandemics of virus, violence, injustice, poverty, natural disaster. Many of us (most?) are on […]

Behavior Creates Emotion

How Creative Expression Lifts the Soul

In times of trouble, dismay, and despair, it becomes ever more important for us to regulate our nervous systems so we are not at the mercy of the news, which is grimmer and more tragic every day. Creative expression helps. My life is not all unrelenting joy–I’m guessing yours isn’t either. And the world situation […]