Make Your Dance More Dramatic + Bundle Sale Closing!

Dancers show what they feel from the music. But many of us don’t really know what to feel. We worry about feeling the “right” things from the music. We don’t trust our own senses.

Weird, right?

This speaks to the heart of confidence.

How can we have confidence when we don’t quite trust our own responses?

How can we expect our guests to feel something when we don’t?
How do we bring joy when we have none for ourselves?

This has been on my mind a lot lately. It came into this discussion of music mapping for the Bundle Party on Sunday,

How to find what you feel from the music so you have something to say in your dance.

It’s the dancer’s feeling that makes a dance truly dramatic. It’s what the dancer has to say, how they share their feeling from the music. It’s the connection, the communication. It’s the honesty and passion of the dancer that stands out, that lives in memory, that brings tears–and joy.

Here’s the recording from the party.
My segment starts at 2:27 (that’s 2 hours and 27 minutes in).
If you scroll down on the page, you’ll find the fabulous teacher showcases–MANY stunning performances! (and Oreet’s Yemeni dance for the WIN). Scroll a little further and there’s a menu of all the presentations from a lot of very interesting people–so there is a lot there to enjoy. For a little while more.


The Bundle Sale closes tomorrow

It is an astounding collection, a mix of pre-recorded and live content. Many with lifetime access! New material coming out over the whole coming year. Regular updates and reminders of upcoming live events. Recordings are available for ALL live events, so even if you can’t attend live, you won’t miss out. A Facebook group for community and camaraderie.

Myriad resources to help you develop confidence and expertise.

I’m especially pleased to see specific attention paid to improvisation and confidence, as well as classes and lectures from dancers of origin who embody these principles–and you know I build these concepts in to everything I do–even music mapping ; )

I’m especially pleased to see a manageable payment plan too.

Dancers show what they feel from the music.
Let’s start discovering what we feel. And allowing ourselves to show it.

Only one more day for the Bundle.
Here it is:
Please do share!

With love,

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