Thank you!

It’s Thanksgiving Day in the USA (a politically fraught holiday, considering the USA’s lousy treatment of its indigenous peoples). Despite this, the practice of gratitude has a lot of merit.

Giving thanks reminds of what is good in life. Most of us spend more time noticing what is wrong. Looking for, and actively focusing on, what is right is a complete game changer.

Thank you!

Today’s most right thing is uploading the book files to the printers.

In early November, I realized that it was time to simply move forward. I formatted the print book with a highly-regarded software called Vellum. My son Ben, a professional graphic designer, helped me format the cover.

It’s done.

Insha’allah, we will have print books for the holidays.

At long last this is coming to fruition.

I’m grateful for the help, to have it done, and for the amazing backers who kept the faith over this long, long process. And I’m grateful to YOU, for reading, believing, and hanging in there all this time.


All my love,


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